What is the definition of Ideanist and what is ideanist.com about?


ideanist.com exists to share original ideas and useful knowledge with everyone, as a way to give back to the Internet. All content is unbiased, honest and free, it’s ideanist.


Ideanist [ i·dē(ə)·nəst ]


  1. a creative explorer of ideas and places, a creator of beauty and style, a creative maker and builder, and publisher on ideanist.com:
    Only an ideanist could have thought of publishing that on ideanist.com.


  1. aspiring as of the way of an Ideanist:
    The ideanist piece was informative beyond the ordinary and free of commercial intent.
definition of Ideanist is related to a white bright library of knowledge.
The Stadtbibliothek Stuttgard in Germany embodies many of the ideals of ideanist.com. Unattributed stock photo.


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updated: 20170128, 20170330, 20190519, 20240303, 20240308