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10. Labs for Builders

10.1 How-To’s


  • Testnets are on IPv4. The network can run on IPv6 but currently not both at the same time.
  • Using UDP via QUICK

Bad Node Detection Criteria (as of March 2024)

For Close nodes

  • Repeated Connection issues
  • Bad price quotes offered (that does not make sense)
  • Failure to replicate data( thresholds?)

Non Close nodes

  • Connection issues
  • Reported as bad by close nodes

Reward Structure

age has no factor in the rewards.

Node age has no factor in the rewards. The live_time is just used to lower the quote bit, to encourage nodes staying longer with the network. It is not a direct reward, just a factor to make network being more stable.

10.2 Community Testnets

BasicEconomyTweaks (March 28, 2024)

Node version: 0.105.2 / Client version: 0.90.2 / Faucet URL:

Difference from previous testnet:
[ Install BasicEconomyTweaks Configuration ]
| Assumes a clean machine (no ~/.local/ present)
[ ] Install client #ValentinesNet
  safeup client --version 0.90.2 #BasicEconomyTweaks
[ ] Install node
  safeup node --version 0.105.2 #BasicEconomyTweaks

[ Get some tokens for your wallet ]
  safe wallet get-faucet

#vdash is 0.17.2 with fix to show Records stored.
  • Average traffic is lower than previous testnet: 24h average is 3GB per node, bbbbadnet was 16.5GB per node.
  • 2GB of RAM for about 100 nodes per physical host at the moment, or 4GB of RAM for 200 nodes.

BbbbBadNet TestNet – offline – (March 21, 2024)

Node version: 0.104.41 / Client version: 0.89.85 / Faucet URL:

Installation on Rocky Linux
[ Install Rust ]
  sudo dnf update
  sudo dnf -y install epel-release
[ ] Install dependencies
  sudo dnf -y install cmake gcc make curl clang
[ ] Rustup press [Enter] at prompt!
  curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
[ ] Activate
  source ~/.profile
  source ~/.cargo/env
[ ] Check the Rust version that is installed on your system.
  rustc -V
[ Install Safeup ]
| ref:
  curl -sSL | bash
[ ] Activate
  source ~/.config/safe/env
[ ] Check help
  safeup --help
[ Install BbbbBadNet Configuration ]
| Assumes a clean machine (no ~/.local/ present)
[ ] Install client #ValentinesNet
  safeup client --version 0.89.85 #BbbbBadNet
[ ] Install node
  safeup node --version 0.104.41 #BbbbBadNet
[ Run node ]
[ ] Run a node
  safenode &
[ Install vdash to observe nodes ]
 cargo install vdash
[ ] Run it
  vdash ~/.local/share/safe/node/*/logs/safenode.log
| [q] to exit
[ Get some tokens for your wallet ]
  safe wallet get-faucet
[ ] Ensure you have wget to get some data to upload
  sudo dnf -y install wget
[ ] Upload
 safe files upload ./file_example_JPG_100kB.jpg

Sending Funds
[ ] Get address on computer A
  safe wallet address
    Logging to directory: "/home/usera/.local/share/safe/client/logs/log_2024-03-21_23-18-02"
    Built with git version: 01c2e57 / main / 01c2e57
[ ] Create a send on computer B
  safe wallet send 49 aa0d64638ece93d394b69d86203514364e2298a15263200e3cddf2627c19e0b267111e21f6cc8fd83cddb8010438e15a
    Logging to directory: "/home/userb/.local/share/safe/client/logs/log_2024-03-22_04-16-21"
    Built with git version: 01c2e57 / main / 01c2e57
    Instantiating a SAFE client...
    Trying to fetch the bootstrap peers from
    Connecting to the network with 49 peers
    🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                                                   Sent NanoTokens(49000000000) to aa0d64638ece93d394b69d86203514364e2298a15263200e3cddf2627c19e0b267111e21f6cc8fd83cddb8010438e15a
    New wallet balance is 50.884063604.
    The encrypted transfer has been successfully created.
    Please share this to the recipient:
    The recipient can then use the 'receive' command to claim the funds.
[ ] Claim on computer A
  safe wallet receive 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
    Logging to directory: "/home/usera/.local/share/safe/client/logs/log_2024-03-21_23-17-04"
    Built with git version: 01c2e57 / main / 01c2e57
    Instantiating a SAFE client...
    Trying to fetch the bootstrap peers from
    Connecting to the network with 49 peers
    🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                                      Successfully parsed transfer.
    Verifying transfer with the Network...
    Successfully verified transfer.
    Successfully stored cash_note to wallet dir.
    Old balance: 100.086147709
    New balance: 149.086147709
  • ValentinesNet TestNet – offline – (February 14, 2024)
    • Node version: 0.104.18 / Client version: 0.89.65 / Faucet url:
    • Maidsafe had 51 droplets (2vcpu, 4GB) running for a total of 2001 nodes
  • Script for running a testnet is here. (@neiks’s?)
  • Many test nets existed (briefly) in 2023 and early 2024; refer to the forum.

10.3 ARCHIVE of Community SAFE Network Testnet Instructions

10.4 Tools

Compute XOR Distances

A useful XOR distance calculator on the web. This is an example implementation in JS.

updated 20240310.

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